We need you to W.R.A.P.

As we entered 2016, two things crossed our mind in regards to our adoption. 

  1. First, gratefulness and awe of how God has moved. For what He alone has accomplished in our adoption journey.
  2. Second, He has even greater things yet to come to put Himself on display and bring Him alone glory.
We know for these things to come to completion, God wants us to come before Him in prayer. And we are asking you to join us in prayer.

W.R.A.P. is a ministry goal through our church on how to wrap around adoptive families. Adoption is God's idea as it permeates Scripture, and God’s heart for the orphan pours forth from His Word. Not everyone is called to adopt, but if you will let Him, God will use you to care for the orphans. And that may be through praying with and for us! 

W.R.A.P. stands for Wrestle in Prayer, Respite Care, Acts of Service, Promises of God. 
Right now we are asking you to Wrestle with us in Prayer. As the process unfolds, so will come opportunities for R. A. and P.!
Over the next 30 days we are asking the Lord:
  • To set our paperwork before the Thai adoption board to grant us approval. Approval would send us into the final step before travel.
  • That we daily give our boy over to God's hands, knowing His hands are greater than ours.
  • That our updated immigration forms would return to us when being unusually delayed.
  • That our boy would grow stronger everyday, in joy, health and love.
  • That he would have an understanding that only God could grant him of his family to come.
  • That God would reveal Himself to his foster mother, and biological parents, along with our son.
  • That God would be glorified as we wait, in our words, actions and most importantly our hearts.
  • That God would bind our marriage so strong that our new adventures bring us closer to God and each other.

"May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy."

Colossians 1:11

This past weekend, we got a chance to escape to the Wisconsin Dells. We went there for our first wedding anniversary, and, praying that we'll be in Thailand by our tenth, we celebrated early. Can I just say, we know we have seen God so clearly because of the prayers by us and you for God to be on display as we adopt. We could not stop rejoicing on our get-away about how good God is, how much we are truly blessed and our excitement for what is to come can hardly be contained! What a privilege to have a front row seat to His work through our little boy's adoption and life!

Wisconsin Dells - 2007
Wisconsin Dells - 2016


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