Who Wants to Know Their Future?

Planning for your future is everywhere you look.

Pick the right major in college for your career. Plan for your retirement. Start saving for your child’s education. Make sure you have a will.

And the Lord says we are to be good stewards of what’s He’s entrusted to us. Work was part of God’s plan. Preparing well is using the wisdom He’s given us so we can be ready for what’s next.

But, can I get an ‘Amen’ that if you were able to go back one year ago, ten or twenty, you would of never expected to end up where you are now! Even with all the planning in the world!

Holding your future with open hands allows God to make it better than what your earthly wisdom could of come up with.

Now why did this idea cross my mind? Well, spending a week at the home I grew up in this summer got my mind spinning.

As I sat overlooking a beautiful hayfield, my father baling, little kids playing on the hay bales. It looked like my childhood.

Except fast forward thirty years to today.

My Thai son is playing on those bales, I live hundreds of miles away from that place, it’s fun to vacation in the same place where I used to do chores, my nephew is my son’s best friend, I’m a stay at home mom who does freelance graphic design on a computer, I’m checking the weather on a smart phone, I met my husband who grew up in Africa at a college in Ohio, we are adopting a second child from Thailand….

The list could go on, I could of NEVER imagined this would be my life! It literally is SO much better! God did so much better than me!

Now if Dominick was old enough to really dream, I’d suspect growing up across the world with two white parents, having a bedroom all to himself, living in a home that doesn’t have a metal roof, and being able to speak English fluently wasn’t on his radar either. I HOPE it’s better than what he could of dreamed, but I do know this is what God choose for him, so it has to be good.

Last night we found a travel guide to Bangkok at Half Price books. Couldn’t resist for our next trip. However, I was shocked when I got home and read the text around the maps. Right with dining and hotels, is inappropriate entertainment claiming they have “mastered the art of sleaze.” Seemingly acceptable when you go to Thailand, it’s what you do.

Can I just say that is not acceptable?!?! I could go on about my thoughts of viewing people as objects, lusts, sinful passions, trafficking, modern slavery, abuse, how this is destroying marriages and families, and the list continues...

BUT, my point is I cringe at how acceptable it is there. AND how my heart hurts for those enslaved to this industry. They need hope for their future.

I’m mindful we don’t live in a perfect country. There is sin in our country, if you haven’t noticed, haha. But our son is growing up in a place, our home, where he is hearing the HOPE of Jesus Christ. The ONLY one who can free us from sin, and impact his eternity.

And I’m waiting anxiously to bring home our next child. To save them out of their situation to hear the HOPE that can change their future!

Would you please pray with us for Dominick’s salvation and our next child? 
That is our greatest wish for them! A future with our Lord, Jesus Christ.


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