Why Does It Cost So Much?

This is THE most common question we have been asked as we adopt. Although it's usually accompanied by WHY Thailand and WHY does it take so long. In the later questions, I can usually give testimony to God's timing or His work in our lives or the need for the Gospel to be taken to Thailand.

But when it comes to cost, I could say 'it is what it is.' However, my first instinct is to actually think the hoops we jump through including the costs are set there because people have abused the process and children have been put in hard situations. So, it's for the protection of these children. Still doesn't make it any easier to stomach the costs!

Coming up with over thirty thousand dollars is hard work and only for the most committed!

Do governments take advantage of couples wanting to adopt by added costs? Yes. Do adoption agencies take advantage of couples and/or children for their own personal gain? Yes. But not all of them. So we've put our trust in our agency, and we could not be more pleased from our first adoption to see everyone we directly worked with had the child's interests first!

This time around our fees have gone up due to our government adding fees on. In my eyes they appear to be unnecessary, BUT we aren't letting that stop us from giving a child a home!

Cost will be the number one reason most do not consider adoption, and I'd be lying if I said that didn't cause a concern in us as we started. But we took a step of faith, and GOD provided 100% for Dominick's adoption. Isn't that amazing?! An 'only God could do that' thing! And we know He can do it again!

The limitations of the world will NEVER stop God from using us in a way that brings Him glory. 

And you don't have to go far in the Bible to see taking His message to the nations, striving to be His ambassador, and caring for orphans brings Him glory. Will Jason and I do it perfectly? Ha, no - we are far from perfect. But, trust and faith in Him, we believe God can use us!

So, here are our specific cost breakdown of our second adoption - which doing this once gave us a pretty good idea! Be mindful in adoption EVERY country is different, agencies are different, domestic vs international adoption is different. This is OUR specific costs to help you understand what we've stepped into for the sake of saving a child from their situation for a family, and how much we cannot do this on our own!
  • Agency Fees: $5,300
  • Medical Review of Match: $450
  • Thailand Program Fee: $12,360
  • Home Study Fees: $1,880
  • Immigration Fees: $2,060
  • Travel Fees: $6,500
  • Visas: $325
  • Lawyer/Finalization/Dossier Docs: $3,000

This puts our total adoption costs just under $32,000 

(assuming all goes according to plan :)

Would you please pray with us that God would provide the funds for us to bring home our second child?

Would you praise God how He is already at work in providing?!?!

Praise the Lord, we have already received THREE matching grants! The first one has now closed, but the second two are still open. In those two, if we can raise $4,500 dollars, it will be MATCHED by two great organizations totaling $9,000 -> that's almost a third of our overall costs!

If the Lord is leading you to support us financially, click this link to Lifesong for Orphans. Select Give to an Adoptive Family, our name, and our Family Account number 7765.


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