Fundraising Facts 101

In my 'Why Does it Cost So Much' post, I covered the details answering that question. However, I've come to realize some more transparency is helpful for those new to understanding the adoption process, those who are honest in admitting they don't understand the costs and for those who want to support but still have questions.

SO, I'm going to take this fundraising blog post to answer fundraising QUESTIONS we have been asked, or that I may have if I was in your shoes:

  • How much are we expecting this adoption to cost?
  • How do we know that exact cost?
    Since we've adopted from Thailand before, we can calculate Dominick's adoption plus some additional fees and an extra plane ticket needed this time around.
  • How much are we planning on raising?
  • You mean you are adopting and financially cannot handle the cost on your own?
    Yes! Scary, insane, maybe not smart - from the worlds eyes! Read our testimony. We are willing! We have a home we can open up to a child, a family, a brother, food, basics to cover their needs...we just don't have the finances to get them to us. And so we are stepping out in faith to provide. 
  • How do you plan on raising $32,000?
    Trusting in God! We have started by applying to adoption grants and seeking out financial supporters. As that support comes to a completion, and if we still have not met our goal, we'll begin actual fundraising event opportunities. 
  • How much have we raised so far?
    About $12,000, so we are a third of the way there - praise God for how He's providing!
  • What are our financial goals today?
    When we are matched, almost $12,400 will be due to accept the match. We want to be prepared for that day. Then, once we've raised that amount, we'll be raising all the costs we paid up front that we weren't financially prepared for. Then our last step will be raising the funds needed to get to Thailand and bring that child home. All within here will be immigration fees, updating our home study and when we get back finalizing their adoption with lawyer fees. 
  • If you don't expect to be matched til next year, why are you raising support now?
    Anything can happen in the adoption world, and we want to steward your gifts well and be prepared for what's ahead. Once support is raised it gives us peace of mind and relief. We will keep finding odd and end jobs, doing fundraisers, looking for ways to make those costs, so the sooner we can rest and wait, the better it is for us. And, this is a lot of money. We expect it to take a while to raise, so we need to start now.
  • What type of grants have you received?
    We have received four so far. Amazing, right!?! One will go straight to our agency to the fee when we are matched. The other three have been matching grants, so what supporters give, they match the cost up to a certain amount.
  • How can I give to a matching grant?
    If we contacted you about a matching grant that concluded mid-June, that grant is now closed. Anything sent after the date in our support letter does NOT go towards our adoption. We have two other matching grants that we are close to fulfilling; however, those accounts stay open until our child is home so this is where we are asking any and all donations to go. It's through Lifesong for Orphans, and all details are found on our Support Page.

Why Support Us?
I can't answer this for you, this needs to be between you and the Lord. Jason and I have felt called to go to the other side of the world to bring a child into a family, our family. We want to do this for the Lord alone - we want to be used BY God FOR His mission. Supporting us could impact you spiritually just as much as us. You'll see God move, answer prayers, see a child be adopted into a family God chose for them...your role is just as pivotal as ours. This could be how God uses YOU to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). Or maybe God would call you to be a part of something else, that would impact you and others more for His glory than this. That's exactly where we want you to be. We NEED people around us, and we are praying that God would line up that support team to impact this child as much as the support team for Dominick has impacted his life.

Please reach out to us with questions! It's so helpful to hear from people not in the adoption trenches give honest questions to our process, and how they can be a part of it!


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