Oh, and By The Way...

We have now entered our seventh month of the adoption process for our second child. We certainly wondered how God would show Himself glorious this time around. Would He reveal and showcase Himself in the same ways or different?

Yes. To both of those. Haha, as expected! Did you catch our last blog? God has provided over 80% of our overall adoption costs to date. Isn't that amazing?!?! However, one thing that stood out is how we got to that point. Our support, so far, is a third of the amount of families involved compared to our first adoption (I realize we still have a long ways in our adoption, simply an observation so far). 

WITH THAT SAID - The generosity has BLOWN us away. But I can't help but think, we need a lot more people involved in the prayer portion. I mean, our child is in a dark place today, their family needs Jesus, adoption wouldn't exist if Genesis 3 didn't happen - enter sin. This is HARD and a glorious chance of redemption that only God can do. We need prayer! I believe God would hear and answer our prayers if it was just us. But I know He'd receive so much glory if others came to Him as well.

 So, as I wonder who would come around us this time, this happened: I ran into a acquaintance the other day. A friend but certainly don't know super well. And after a quick catch-up, before we go on our way, she added 'Oh, and by the way, we've been praying for you guys and your adoption.'

Really? Us? You remembered us in your prayers? Really? 

I KNOW this happened with Dominick's adoption, and this moment reminded me that people are praying for us that I may never know about. And that's ok! But man, is it humbling to hear when someone is. It's a busy life, I get it - so to remember us, wow!

I then begin to think of the grants we've received so far. Someone prayed about giving, chose an organization, that organization had a board that prayed about giving, and somehow their answer to prayer was to support our adoption. Strangers that I'll never meet, prayed for our adoption.

When I think I know how many people are praying, then I can easily say, well off course this happened because over 'x' amount of people prayed for us at that moment when such and such happened. Yet how much more does God get the glory by working in individual lives and their prayer time, and the prayer is answered.

I don't know who or how, so all I can credit is GOD!

We have the support of close family and friends, which is our spiritual fuel that God uses to confirm we are exactly in His will. WHAT an answer to prayer that is for us!

But I must add...

The 'Oh, and by the way...' are some of the most encouraging comments because it reminds us that HE is using an incredible spiritual force of people to care for one orphan, and it is NOTHING that we have done.


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