Update. Next Steps. Prayer Requests.

We are beyond excited to give just a basic adoption update from our household.

A 'straight to the point would you just praise God with us, this is amazing' update!

Last week, we received our sixth adoption grant along with some incredible individual donations...

and that puts us at raising over $26,000 to-date!


The financial was certainly a concern as we started the adoption process again.

Yet in this adoption, God is providing in miraculous ways to BOAST of HIS plans, in HIS time with HIS resources! 

Our very first matching grant we received this adoption was not matched, and my first response was 'this is going to be alot harder to raise the money/how in the world are we going to do this' and then 'clearly other adoptive families need that organization's donations more than us.' In my questioning and concerns, the Lord has effectively squelched that out of me with His faithfulness and provision in ways we never expected! Why do I always try to figure it out on my own first? God is patient to let us see His glory!

So, what's next? 
  • We ONLY need $6,000 to be fully funded for adoption #2. And we are only seven months into this adoption journey. WOW! 
  • Our adoption program sends child referrals quarterly, so we are looking forward to see how many children are in the fall referral group. We are #18 on the referral list, which currently puts us to be matched in the June (2019) referral group. The larger the groups, the sooner we get matched.
  • Once matched, similar to our son's adoption, we'll expect travel approximately a year later. So right now, that'd be early summer, 2020.

Two years with our first gift of Adoption!
What to pray for?
  • This adoption has been very different since we have our son in our home. He distracts us in a wonderfully good way! However, he would continue to be a big prayer request in this next adoption, that he handles this well and grows in a way so he can lead this next child and be an encouragement to them.
  • Then, wisdom as we parent both our son and next child. Preparation for the hard days ahead.
  • That God would show His glory in each step of this adoption, and right now, that'd be in our fundraising!
  • For salvation for our children and their birth families!


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