Moving On Up

 Praise the Lord, we were loosely confirmed that we are moving up the list of families to be matched. Nothing ever seems definite in adoption world. No guarantees, just estimates, and solid answers are hard to come by.

Perhaps that's why it's hard for couples to sign up for adoption. There is very little you can control in the process. You MUST trust God with open hands because you straight up cannot control it. And the few things you can control (like the paperwork you fill out, the appointments you set up, the meetings you have) you are constantly questioning yourself because you feel like your control is unreliable. Haha, and all adoptive couples would say, amen!

Anyways, a quick adoption update. As many of you have followed our second adoption process, we thought we'd be matched this month. WELL, we are now expected to be matched anywhere between July to September. We are number fourth on the wait list, so hoping for at least four in the next group of children to be matched.

We still would expect to travel about a year later. So, if we are matched with a child, we'll travel July-September 2020, Lord willing.

Considering we are hopefully a few months away from being matched, would you pray for Stephens kiddo #2 and their birth heart just breaks for what they are going through today that will lead to the decision to put the child up for adoption!

As we are that much closer to being matched, we were trying to nail down our fundraising, and it's possible we have not raised enough money to cover the fee that comes when we accept a match of a child. We are in the process of updating our homestudy because we have been in the process so long, and additional items are dipping into funds SO if you would like to give financially, we would be incredibly encouraged in that. We also have not raised any funds to travel to Thailand yet, so please pray and consider joining us on this 'mountain' size task in our adoption journey! Give financially

Lastly, even though we are not matched yet, would you pray for our family? The adoption journey is a long road, and it is mixed with hardships and joys. Sometimes all in the same day! Would you pray that we would glorify God in each step, direct those watching our journey to the Lord, and that we would see God working to remind us the incredible privilege He has called us to. Endurance for God sized results!

We have had the privilege of connecting with numerous people just over the past week who have or are currently serving the Lord overseas. I asked what the biggest encouragement was to them - communication, those who regularly communicated with them. And for us, I'd say the same! Let us know how we can pray for you - we want to hear your stories - ask us questions - let's meet up - love on our son! In such a digital world, let's not forget that relationships are done beyond the screen (although I must admit I've created many dear friends through social media who are adoptive momma's - when we live all over the country and world, screens do help us communicate!)!


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