Trust the Lord. Praise the Lord.

When I think of these two sentences, they go hand in hand, yet often we split them based on the circumstance, right?

Trust the Lord in what you don’t have, what you don’t know, what you don’t understand, in what you cannot see, in what you cannot control - in all those things, TRUST.

Praise the Lord in what you now have seen, in what you now understand, in what He has now given (or seemingly) given you control of - PRAISE Him.

In both of these descriptions, there are a lot of ‘you’s’ and considering I’m writing this out of my own convictions, there are a lot of ‘me’s’. And IT IS how we/I see God work in MY life, but the work in my life should ALWAYS  lead me to fix my eyes on the Lord. His attributes. Who HE is. Trust and Praise HIM!

I am going through Paul Tripp’s book on Parenting (highly recommend) and it constantly comes back to the fact that we are to be faithful in loving and demonstrating Christ to our kids, but TRUST that they are ultimately in God’s hands.

Today is our daughter’s birthday. 

And we can’t make her magically show up in our kitchen to eat cake together. She isn’t going to open a gift from her big brother. She wouldn’t even understand what we were singing if we sang Happy Birthday in English. I can’t control what happens in her life today. I can’t control who is loving on her today and who will break her heart tomorrow. I don’t know what day she’ll meet her forever family. I don’t know why she isn’t with us sooner. I have no idea where I was the day she entered into the world. I had no anxiety when she caught her first cold. I don’t know what her first words were. I have not even ‘known’ of her existence the first 20 months of her life. And I don't fully know why God chose me to be her forever mom.

And writing this out is sad and emotional….but you know what, it is a perfect example that God loves greater than you or I ever could. He is there when we are not. And He is there when we are.

God loves your children - they were His first! 

God writes perfect family stories, that might mean you miss a few birthdays, and that’s ok. Our daughter is being cared, protected and loved by our Creator today and I must TRUST in that! We praise Him that her foster family gets one more birthday with her. We praise God that she has a forever family for this birthday and every birthday after. We praise God because He is sovereign - He is making our family and He knows the exact moment we will meet her. He will protect and comfort her in ways she won’t even understand until she feels the warmth of her parents hugging her tight.

SO today, on our girl’s birthday, we TRUST God and we PRAISE Him - lean NOT on our own understanding and exalting the ONE who deserves all praise and glory every day of our lives! We also praise God for the picture of adoption in seeing GOD’s WORK in EVERY child’s life is His work alone from day one! We are simply blessed He has given us a role in that.


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