What Tomorrow Means...

So tomorrow is kind of a big day in our family. It has taken me several rounds of calculating, but I believe this to be true -

as of tomorrow, November 2, 2019 our son will have lived life longer with us than without us. 

He will of been with his forever family more than anyone else, combined!

Most may not even think about a mile-stone like this, but it has crossed my mind over these past few years. The times he has surpassed everyone's expectations, the times when adoption-related issues continually resurface, or how he fits into our family smoother than anyone could imagine - wow, what amazing things for this boy when all along he has spent more time apart from us than with.

Our son lived over three years of his life in Thailand. That was no mistake, and although some experiences we wished he never would of had to endure, it does make him into who he is today and he now has a family to help him process the good and bad together. We love letting him embrace his birth heritage as well as his forever-family heritage.

God's story in his life has been written perfectly by our perfect Creator.

So, those adopting or who simply are curious about our adoption, what does his adoption look like at this milestone?

Well, we talk regularly about Thailand, and he loves Thailand. He knows that's his birth-home. He remembers probably more than other children, primarily because he has a fantastic memory. However, as with you and I when we think back to our childhood, he doesn't remember over-arching items but more very specific little experiences or things. For anyone who adopts an older child, write down everything your child remembers. I have personally written down every Thai memory he has so if he ever forgets, I at least can help him piece together some things. Most of his memories come out when something triggers a specific memory. For example, when he saw me pull out a rolling pin, he told me a story of making bread in Thailand. Presently, his greatest excitement about Thailand is that his adopted sister is there. That makes us pretty excited too!

The day we met our son!
What does our adoption look like in that states? Unless I'm totally missing the awkward stares from strangers, we feel super normal. We live in a very diverse area, and with the amount of mixed families around, nothing looks out of place in our family dynamic. So our son lives life as normal. He has caught up with his peers in communication and development so that he lives life normally in the mix with all his buddies. And for us without biological children to compare the parenting experience to, everything about this is 'normal' to us. Rather difficult at times, haha, but leaning on the One with all wisdom and power!

So at this milestone, we rest in the Lord who sustained us, has written each of our stories perfectly, puts us exactly where He wants us, and gives abundance of blessings we don't deserve when we step out in faith! We are grateful for every day we've gotten to spend in our son's life, and are so excited for many more ahead!


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