Home Study Complete...Now What?

So, our Home Study is complete, and most people ask us...Now What? Well, for starters you take a picture of yourselves with the Home Study :-) This is a BIG DEAL!

In this lovely envelope is all the required paperwork needed for our dossier, which is what is next. Our dossier is the package of paperwork that will go to Thailand, get us on a waiting list for our child(ren), etc. It's awesome for us to read through our home study because it gives our social worker's recommendation for us to adopt, all of our references recommendations...this really has been incredible to see the amount of people involved to help us build our family!

So, next we get all of our dossier paperwork together. CHECK! Then make a million copies for various reasons. Working on that! and praying our printer ink doesn't run out.

Now, we get it notarized. Note to self: if you ever plan to adopt, make sure one of your coworkers is a notary. This has been a HUGE blessing! Thanks Jeff!

Next, take it to your state government building Secretary of State to be certified. The instructions our agency gave us were enough to scare you out of the process. So God, in His goodness towards us, made this the easiest thing possible, and within five minutes of waiting in the office, it was done! God is SO good!

Next, our dossier goes to Washington DC to be certified. Through God's grace, we are taking each step at a time, and are thankful we are all the way to this step now.

We praise God that our references, our social worker, our adoption agency and our state have said "Yes, Jason and Rachel are approved to adopt." Now praying the United States says the same!!!

Prayer Requests:
  • Wisdom for us on getting the dossier to Washington
  • Protection over our documents to get to where they need to go, and smoothness in that
  • Endurance in the midst of keeping all the paperwork and process straight
  • We are beginning to apply to grants, pray that God provides
  • Our agency representative just updated us that the military co-op in Thailand has not delayed any adoption processing, and she just visited Thailand, and had only good reports with meeting with our sister agency in Thailand
  • That the Secretary of State visit was smooth and easy
  • That we have everything ready to go to Washington DC
God has been so good to us, and although at times it's hard to look up from the paperwork or tasks. BUT, every time we do, we see God's hand so clearly on us and this process. I pray you do the same when God calls you to His mission, look up and you'll be absolutely amazed that God is letting YOU be a part of HIS PLAN!


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