You Can't Make This Stuff Up!

Our last blog post had some exciting updates - dossier was on it's way to Washington DC, and we were asking for prayer on the latest set of fees.

Well, our God heard those prayers and we have been floored to see His hand in this adoption in the last few weeks. He has provided through coupons, gift cards, our jobs, freelance graphic design and Mary Kay opportunities, and through lifelong friends.

And just when we thought things couldn't get better, we went to our church picnic last Sunday night. And as we were talking, our good friend Amanda snuck up behind us. With a huge smile on her face, she said "Your adoption grant has been approved through Lifesong for Orphans." (I'm literally tearing up picturing her face right now :) In a point where we said, "God we cannot do this" He stepped in saying "You were never meant to, I AM."

We continued talking to her, and she stated that our testimony really had an impact on our assigned representative for Lifesong. And our story was going up the ladder to her boss, which then was making it's way back to our church. Not only was God answering our prayers in providing the funds, but He was answering prayers by revealing Himself to others through our testimony.

Now here's where you really can't make this stuff up - one of our latest fees is the US processing fee that is needed to actually send our dossier to Thailand. This fee is $3,500. We were under the impression our church would participate in doing a matching grant at $2,500. Well, we learned on Sunday night that our church is providing a matching grant of exactly $3,500.

We left the picnic that night in tears, hopefully nobody was offended when I didn't make eye-contact with them as we left :-) I have not doubted for a minute that God isn't in this, that He is not directing it, and I know He hears each and every prayer, but to have those prayers answered so detailed and perfectly sent me to my knees in absolute awe of who our God is and how personal He is through His Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Seeing God answer those prayers shows me more each day He wants us to cry out to Him, and He does answer prayers. We are now praying for others to partner with us and help us bring the nations to our home where we can share the Gospel with them. We are also praying that our dossier returns safely back to us - we are so close to getting on the waiting list. Thank you SO much for praying for us, we are feeling each and every one, and seeing them answered before our eyes!

More is listed on the Support Us tab above, but here are the details:

Our church family, Harvest Bible Chapel North Indianapolis, has partnered with Lifesong for Orphans and committed an Adoption Matching Grant of $3,500 for help pay for our adoption expenses. Would you please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help us meet this matching grant and help cover the $30,000 adoption expenses to build our family? Our goal date to raise these funds is October 18, but funds will be accepted towards our adoption until our child is in our home and/or the adoption is complete.

Visit Lifesong for Orphans, select Give to an Adoptive Family, and complete the form with our name and account number 4717.


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