The Marathon Continues!

One simply cannot say I'm going to run a marathon and it happens. Running a marathon requires commitment, diligence, determination, goals, and a buddy to encourage you each step of the way. This is all too familiar to us as Jason's currently training for a marathon, Rachel a half.

It's not coincidence at all that God has called us to adoption as we are going through marathon training. What a perfect example of what running the race for God looks like. Some days it's hard to get out of bed, other days your legs are about ready to give out, but then other days you are having the time of your life knowing that all the commitment, diligence and determination was worth the result of completing the marathon.

Phillipians 3:12-14 "Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

Adoption has been part of our path God has called us to in pressing on towards Christ-likeness. God's grace has flowed over us in this process - more than we ever would deserve! We packaged our dossier on Saturday, and sent it to Washington DC. There it will be authenticated by both the US government, and the Thai Embassy. We look forward to receiving is back next week to make the finishing touches to send it to our agency. Our agency will send it to Thailand, and that's when we get on a list for a match. We feel so close to that!

But God is great to remind us over and over again, it's not about us, it's not about what we do, it's not even about our child(ren), this is all about Him and how can this bring Him glory. He graciously reminded us this as we've come to a place where only He can provide the funding for the next set of fees. As Jason and I sat in this reality the other night, we are reminded yet again (I feel like Isreal who forgets how often God provides for them :) when God builds our family, this is totally going to be a "God thing.

How often do you come to a place in your life where the only way something will happen is God stepping in? I always call this a "God thing." No human can do it! This is a good place to be in. This is where God wants us - it's satan who tempts us to be self-suffcient. God wants to love us, care for us, comfort us, teach us, and in our own free will, how often do we forget that?

So would you pray with us for God to show up in a mighty way to provide as we wrap up our dossier? We can already tell it's going to be pretty awesome how He does it! He hasn't given us any doubts that this isn't in His will, and so we know in His will - He will make this possible!

Thanks for following our story. We pray that God shows you more about Himself as we share what He has been revealing to us!


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