First Adoption Tradition

Last night we participated in our first "Adoption Tradition" - I love traditions! :)

One year ago, we went with some friends to a concert. Didn't think much of it. We had just decided to adopt. And, sure enough God used that concert to have a huge impact on our adoption story.

It's called Winter Jam - an annual concert that brings in a bunch of Christian artists. It's sponsored by Holt International. And they spend a portion of the night talking about adoption, and sponsorship of children waiting to be adopted. One year ago we sat at that concert looking up on our phones this adoption agency as the speaker talked about Holt. They were working in the countries God had impressed upon our hearts - and God led us to email them the next day asking for more info, and it wasn't a week later that they had our application!

Last night was Winter Jam 2015. The gospel presentation was strong, the venue was packed out, and one of my favorite parts was the adoption videos and stories shared - wow I've come a long way! We browsed at the table of children who can be sponsored, praying and wondering if any of those kiddos' pictures was our child(ren).

The artists were fantastic. One of the artists was Jeremy Camp - who is an incredible singer/songwriter, but also speaker - bringing prayer, scripture, truth and humility into every performance. I've seen him before. I've seen him perform in New York, and at Cedarville. Just like how scripture will speak new words to you throughout life, the lyrics of his songs have spoken to me in different ways in high school than in college, and then now as an adult in the adoption process. Last night, as Jason and I sang out the lyrics of "I Still Believe" and "Walk By Faith", we know and we have seen those words to be true!

I still believe in Your faithfulness
I still believe in Your truth
I still believe in Your holy word
even when I don't see, I still believe

Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Well because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me

As the venue was filled with many young people, we are excited to think about maybe one day bringing our children to this event. It's a new tradition that is part of our story and will be a part of our child's story.


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