Spoiler Alert: God Answers Prayer

Last Friday, we asked YOU to pray with us that we'd hear back from some grants we applied for. Well, you saw my post that God answered prayer THAT DAY with a check in our mailbox. We are praising God that last night, we heard back from the second grant that we RECEIVED IT!!!!

The awesome thing about this grant is it's a MATCHING grant! So what YOU give will be matched by this organization. It's a great way they are partnering with us, and great way you can be involved in our adoption!

We'll be posting more details over the next week, but we know many of you asked "Do you guys have a matching grant?" - everybody likes when your support can be doubled! :-) So now we can say YES!

Praise God that our Lifesong matching grant was fulfilled months ago, and praise God we have this new opportunity.

I know what you are thinking, why do you need these funds now, you don't even know who you are adopting? True. BUT. The moment we are matched is when we will send $12,360 in to accept that child. And if we are matched with more than one child, that number doubles (and you will hear our plea for help at that time, haha). We "expect" to be matched in July, but that could be sooner, or later. We want to be able to send those funds when the time comes, and it's in God's time. That's why we are raising funds now!

So, stay tuned, and would you be praying now if God would have you care for the orphans of this world by support our adoption journey?!?!


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