Some People Just Like Numbers

I like the numbers too! But, it's SO easy to dwell on them and so I try not to focus on them.

Only catch with that - those are common questions we get asked. Maybe because it's tangible, and people understand better. Or it gives them a clearer picture of our process to know where they can help. Or it gives them a better idea how to pray for us. Whatever the case may be, I figured it best to list our latest numbers here so it is easy to understand, for you to see where you may fit in and for you to be praying for us!

As of March 13, 2015 -
  • 350 DAYS
    how long we've been in the Thailand Adoption program with Holt Intl
    have partnered in some way with us on this journey (that we know of)
  • $30,000
    is the cost we are expecting overall for the adoption of one child (remember we are open to a sibling group if it's God's will)
  • $18,979.14
    is what we have raised/has been donated towards our adoption
  • $11,020.86
    is what we have left to raise to be fully funded and begin our lives as a family of three debt free
  • 6
    the number of grants we've applied for
  • 2
    the number of grants we've been denied
  • 2
    the number of grants we've heard they are reviewing our applications (would you pray for this? one specific grant is supposed be getting back to us in the next 10 days their answer!)
  • July 2015
    best case scenario on when we will be matched with our child
  • October 2015
    if not matched in July, this would be our next opportunity (praying for July :)
  • 7-10 Months
    the timeline from being matched to having Thailand approve our adoption. Best case scenario would put us at February 2016.
  • 3-5 Months
    the timeline from being approved by Thailand to travel. Best case scenario puts us traveling to go pick up our son or daughter in June 2016!
Let us know if their are any other questions you have! We have learned so much about international adoption, and love fielding any questions you have for you to understand better. When looking in from the outside, these numbers seem ridiculous. A lawyer told me the other day that $30,000 is crazy. A lawyer told me, a church employee, how much that is! My response was when you step out in faith, God will show up in ways that don't seem possible. God truly has sustained us during this process. My eyes have been opened to how people you'd never know are caring for the orphans, but they are, and they are supporting us! Time flies - to think we've been in the process a year is amazing to me. I can't believe over $18,000 has been given towards our adoption.

These numbers truly reflect how much God is in the business of using those who are not worthy/equipped/everything else to bring the nations and orphans to our home where the only credit can be made is to God alone.

Thanks for being a part of this journey with us!


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