Prayers are Being Heard

Quick update: Last Friday we asked you to pray that we'd hear back from two specific grants. As I opened up our mailbox later that day, a check from one of those grants was sitting in there. This not only blew us away to see how God answered right then and there, but that we had a check made out to us - most grants will not give you the funds until you travel, and usually it's facilitated through the adoption agency. God knows our needs and will meet them. I'm praising God that two days later I open our mailbox and inside was a support check from a complete stranger, and a support check from one of my dearest friends!

I CANNOT wait to tell these stories to our child one day on how much God was at work in bringing them into our family before they even knew it!

Praising God, blown away at His grace and provision on this absolutely incredible journey!!!


  1. Praise the Lord! We are so excited for you in this beautiful journey, and Calvin can't wait to meet his new cousin(s)!


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